Wedding Backstory

Writing a great backstory doesn’t have to be a terrible, confusing or dismaying experience. Take a minute to get some perspective on this amazingly important ceremony elaboration.
The power of the backstory should not be underestimated.
Though many of your wedding guests may know you, they do not know your significant other. Even those friends and family members whom you’ve invited probably know you as who you were. They may not know who you’ve become since you were a child. Consider that your significant other has had a dramatic influence on you. Their influence is probably greater than any other person on the planet, even those family and friends you grew up with. It’s safe to say: no one really knows you on your wedding day!
There are several purposes of the backstory. Each purpose may resonate with your more or less as you begin to put your thoughts on paper.
The first major purpose of The backstory is to bring your audience up to speed. Even those with whom you’ve kept in touch will benefit from hearing what the past few years has brought. The backstory presents the recent events of your life, to your audience, in your words. Second, the backstory introduces the “stranger” in your family’s life. Your spouse is probably unknown to most of the assembly. This is his/her “big reveal” so-to-speak. Who better to introduce them to your family and friends than you? Finally, The backstory enlightens, inspires and excites your friends and family to embrace your new married life. This might be the most important part of The backstory. Those present at your wedding probably constitute some of the most significant people in your life. They will remain significant to you and your spouse for decades to come. The backstory has the power to call your guests to action! This is your opportunity to help your family and friends fall in love with the best qualities of your spouse; the qualities that you find most attractive and meaningful.
The backstory helps your family and friends “commit” to their part in supporting the couple and the marriage.
In one sense, it’s not just you whose “taking the plunge” on your wedding day. Your family and friends are also going to be faced with a daily decision to honor, love and support their new friend and family member, your spouse. The backstory helps to present your spouse as the wonderful and loving person you’ve come to know over the last few months. Help your family and friends love your spouse with the same depth that you have come to love them. After all, marriage is about bringing the past and present of two would-be-strangers together in a meaningful way, in order to create an exciting and hopeful future for all those gathered together.
Contact: Ric Latendresse
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